Instituto Interamericano de la Salud

About Us


Instituto Interamericano de la Salud

We are the first higher education institution that teaches the Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy in the Southeast of the country

We are committed to ensuring that our students obtain excellent theoretical and practical bases to offer quality service to their clients and patients.

Occupational Therapy. Arguably the most empowering, creative, holistic and meaning-enhancing healthcare profession. Adding life to days

-Jamie Grant. OT.


A little history

In 2016, we received approval from the SEP of the State of Yucatán to offer the Bachelor’s Degree in Occupational Therapy (RVOE-2159), from which a generation graduated, and the Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy (RVOE-2158), from which they have graduated four generations.

Grupo Hartgraves, A. C.

Located in the beautiful city of Mérida, Yucatán, it was born with the purpose of creating community solutions in terms of promotion, care and rehabilitation of the physical and mental health of the Mexican population.

The director of the project, Dr. Martha Hartgraves, has a long and successful career in occupational therapy in the USA where she completed her studies and has practiced as an occupational therapist in the academic and clinical areas since 1995.  She and her husband, Dr. Stan Hartgraves, have been fundamental pieces in the development and graduation of 1 generation of Graduates in Occupational Therapy and 4 generations of Master’s Degrees in Occupational Therapy from 2017 to date.

Our Instalations

They are fully equipped for our students practices.

Occupational therapy is skills, values, creating a connection with the environment and our patients

The Library

At INTSA we have areas prepared for your best performance in professional practices, such as the library, where we have books specialized in occupational therapy, which can serve as great support to complement your knowledge.

The Kitchen

One of the most important areas is the fully functional Practice Kitchen. In this area we practice how to help orthopedic and neurological patients or clients, with daily activities such as holding plates, cups, moving their chairs and much more!

Our Priceless Staff

We have a team of educators with Master’s and Doctorate degrees

Martha Hartgraves

Dra. Martha Hartgraves


Dr. Hartgraves has had great success enhancing the career of occupational therapy in Mexico and in the United States, where she received her degree in occupational therapy in 1995.

She has served in clinical positions and in academic programs at the University of Texas, the University of New Mexico, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions (in Utah), and more recently as the Vice Rector of Academics for IPETH, located in Puebla, Mexico. She and her husband, Dr. Stan Hartgraves, have lived full-time in Merida since June of 2016.

Stan Hartgraves

Dr. Stan Hartgraves


Dr. Hartgraves has had a wide-ranging career in science and the field of physical therapy, which includes research, clinical practice, teaching, and academic administration.

For the past 25 years,he has served in academic and administrative roles ranging from faculty to program director, associate dean, dean, and vice president of academic affairs.

He has held positions at universities in Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, and California. Dr. Hartgraves’ research interests include the neurophysiological bases of neurodegenerative diseases and treatment approaches, the pain sciences (including the impact of pharmacological agents on chronic and acute pain), and the behavioral profile of placebo responders. Dr. Hartgraves has over 55 refereed publications (journals, book chapters, and abstracts at international and national conferences).

He has a keen interest in bringing rehabilitation therapy to underserved areas of the world, most especially the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico (where he lives part of the year).

Karla Sulú Carballo


The Mtra. Karla Sulú also studied a bachelor’s degree in rehabilitation at UADY, she is certified in sensory integration by CLASI / AMIS and is currently studying her doctorate in educational inclusion. For 10 years she has been dedicated to pediatric occupational therapy.

Leticia Tristán Morales


She graduated from INTSA and currently lives in Texas, where she works as an Occupational Therapy Assistant.

He has 10 years of experience in T.O., he has also worked as an assistant at ANAMARC College for Kinesiology, neurology, pediatrics, gerontology, and adults with disabilities classes/laboratories. Currently, we are very happy to have her as a teacher at INTSA! She teaches adult occupational therapy, gerontology, and leadership classes.