Instituto Interamericano de la Salud

What is

Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy helps people do what they want or need to do when they are inhibited by injury, illness or other circumstances, from reaching their full potential in daily life

Taelor M


Transforming lives

It is a profession in the area of ​​health that, through the assessment of the physical, psychological, sensory and social capacities and problems of the individual, who assists, with the appropriate treatment, to train him to achieve the greatest degree of independence possible In your daily life. Contributing to the partial or total recovery of your disease and facilitating adaptation to your disability.

According to the World Federation of Occupational Therapists

It defines Occupational Therapy as a profession that deals with the promotion of health and well-being, through occupation.

The main objective of occupational therapy is to empower people to participate in activities of daily living. Occupational therapists achieve this result by enabling individuals to perform those tasks that will optimize their ability to participate, or by modifying the environment so that it reinforces participation.

Occupational therapists have extensive training that provides them with the skills and knowledge to work with those individuals or population groups that suffer the affectation of a bodily structure or function, due to some change in health, and therefore, causes them to experience limitations on your participation.

Did you know that

An Occupational Therapist can work in many fields, and we are prepared to work with patients and clients with different issues, from autism, to recovery from accidents.

The main objective of occupational therapy is to empower people to participate in activities of daily living. Occupational therapists achieve this result by enabling individuals to perform those tasks that will optimize their ability to participate, or by modifying the environment so that it reinforces participation.

As Occupational Therapists, we not only work with the person on their activities, but also help with their mental state. It is about setting up a goal, finding what’s most meaningful for the patient or client, rather than focusing on the deficits. Together, we can do so much more!

People with Alzheimer can also be helped with Occupational Therapy! Did you know that these activities can help them become more independent in their daily lives?

People who have suffered a heart attack, or have cardiac conditions, can benefit from Occupational Therapy! With Cardiac Rehabilitation, their daily life can improve, through the practice of daily activities and exercises that will help them reduce symptoms of cardiac diseases.

In Occupational Therapy, we treat not only the bodies and movements of our clients and patients, but also heal their hearts and souls, it is by working with them that they manage to live more independently and happier!

Occupational therapy helps people do what they want or need to do when they are inhibited by injury, illness or other circumstances, from reaching their full potential in daily life

Occupational Therapists are health professionals dedicated to:

  • Geriatric rehabilitation
  • Pediatric rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitation in Mental Health
  • Drug dependence
  • Intellectual disability
  • Traumatology, prostheses and orthotics
  • Support products and adaptations of the environment
  • Early Stimulation
  • Neurological rehabilitation
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Work rehabilitation
  • Psychosocial rehabilitation
  • Teaching and research
  • Other fields of therapeutic intervention
  • Social exclusion and social immigration